
6 Ergebnisse exportieren:
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K. Shire, Gender and the Re-regulation of Temporary Agency Employment in Liberal and Non-Liberal Economics, in Soziale Ungleichheit-kulturelle Unterschiede, Verhandlungen des 32.Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in München 2004, 2005.
J. Hafkesbrink und Schroll, M., German-Russian co-operation platform in the research field of innovation, globalisation and sustainability, Globalisation, new economy and the environment. Business and society challenges for sustainable development. Proceeding of the seventh international conference of the Russian Society for Ecological Economics, S. 113–116, 2005.
K. Shire, Gender Dimensions of the Aging Workforce in Japan, in Challenges of Demographic Change in Japan, F. Coulmas, Hrsg. 2007, S. 27.
M. Schroll und Stark, A., Geschäftsmodelle, Social Media Kompass, S. 15–27, 2009.